Monday, March 24, 2008

Plants Post

After reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, Jeff and I have way too much gardening lust and way too little yard. My dad decided we needed a garden when they visited back in November, so we now have tilled, fertilized soil just beyond the lawn and TONS of turnips.
We ordered two types of tomatoes from, a mail-order company that sells heirloom seeds. Heirloom seeds are varieties of flowers and vegetables that have been developed through the years and are in danger of being lost. The variety out there is amazing...fuzzy peach-colored tomatoes, tomatoes that look like bell peppers, tomatoes that are dead ringers for lemons, black tomatoes...we picked two of the less-exotic varieties. We also ordered cukes and bought some flower seeds from Lowe's.
Now we just need about five acres to plant it all in :)
Here are a few pics of our garden and some of the plants around the house. Houseplants are an inexpensive way to fill a corner! Actually the pots usually cost more than the plant...but at least the pot won't ever die :D

African violet getting lots of sun in the kitchen window

A shelf would be awesome there but a plant is a definite improvement!

Cukes and carrots growing indoors until danger of frost is over. I didn't know this but you need to help harden off seedlings by shaking them a couple of times a day or blowing on them. Then you can start leaving them outside for longer and longer every day. Right before you transplant you should deprive them a little of water. You're getting them used to the "real world" :D

Turnips and more turnips. The greens are actually pretty good fresh mixed in with romaine.

Jeff stuck two garlic cloves in peat pots and they are growing about a centimeter a day.

Monday, March 10, 2008


I've been having trouble with regular devotions, so Jeff helped me out by subscribing me to a daily Bible read feed. I'm going through the Bible in chronological order (according to historical time) using the ESV.
It's nice because it's right there on my computer and I can read while rocking Benjamin to sleep in his bouncy seat. The link is:

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Benjamin 5 months 3 weeks

Some recent pictures of Benjamin.

His favorite sleeping pose...hands behind the head like he's at the beach. :)