I've researched slings in the last couple of months, afraid I might be missing out with my el cheapo $13.29 Target navy blue Snugli. I came to the conclusion that, while it would be nice to have a ring sling to try as well, I'm probably fine with the Snugli. There is one big drawback, and that's the fact that I can't feed him while carrying him. Also, some babies might dislike being held in the chest-to-chest position. For him it's about the only position he'll tolerate. If it weren't for the carrier, I would never get anything done! I had a parent watch him during a lesson at my home, and she asked me how in the world I could do anything...he was squirming all over her arms and wouldn't be still. The Snugli is the answer. He spends 2-3 hours a day in it, and while he's hanging out, I vaccuum, empty the dishwasher, start dinner, and generally get things done. I love it!! I really don't see how people manage without some kind of sling or carrier.
I've come to believe Benjamin is, at least at some level, a high need baby., though maybe not as extreme as some. He is what you'd call intense. He laughs uproariously, cries loudly and passionately, always has to have something new to look at, is interested in everything. His legs, arms, or mouth are always in motion. Jeff and I don't know where he gets his energy! He never nurses quietly. He's always arching his back, flipping himself over (and then trying to nurse on his tummy....sorry bud, it doesn't work that way!). He cries if I try to feed him one second longer than he wants to be fed. He hollers in the nursery if the atmosphere doesn't suit him. He will not and never has calmly slept in a crib. He either has to be rocked and nursed into oblivion first, or nursed to sleep in our bed. I'm not patient enough to rock him for hours and then wake up several times in the night, so he stays in our bed. We tried moving him out, but he would wake several times in the night screaming, stiff as a board, and never relax the whole night. So for us it hasn't been worth it. Our co-sleeping arrangement works fine, and it's sometimes the only time dad gets to bond with him during the day. Ah, for a calm, quiet baby who took to the crib and sweetly slept anywhere. Not happening!! But we love his wide-awake, intense personality, and predict many interesting and adventurous disruptions to our lives as he grows older.