Please, nobody shoot me for bringing this up so early, but do we want to draw names again this year? I'm starting to think about Christmas gifts, and I was wondering if we could nail something down.
I liked the drawing names thing, but it might be hard to get us all together. Maybe we could just do a "chart" for the next five years (yes, I'm being a nerd about this) and not have to think about it again.
What about something like this for this Christmas (using just the sibling names to make it simpler)
Dayton--gift for Will
William--gift for Laurance
Laurance--gift for Emily
Emily--gift for Charles
Charles--gift for Dayton (this last part kind of makes sense since he'll be over there for Christmas!)
Over the next few Christmases we could mix it up so everyone gets everyone one year. (So, Christmas '07: D/W, W/L, L/E, E/C, C/D. Christmas '08: D/L, W/E, L/C, E/D, C/W. Christmas '09: D/E, W/C, L/D, E/W, C/L. Christmas 2010: D/C, W/D, L/W, E/L, C/E.)
Just an idea. Of course, if someone is feeling especially giving :) they could give gifts to everyone. I don't want this to limit anyone's giving impulses--but realistically we all have many other people to buy for.