Saturday, January 30, 2010


I used a very ordinary off-white yarn, nothing special about it. Next time I'll get more creative. For the first time making this sweater, though, I wanted a "skinny" yarn so it would be easy to see if I was getting the pattern right. I really like how it turned out though, and I think Lydia looks cute in it!


Anonymous said...

Emmie, it's adorable! Love it. And she's so stinkin' cute!
sorry-I'm going to have to publish this as anonymous b/c I can't remember my password-it's been too long since I've done any blogging stuff. :-)
Love you,

Isla Vincent said...

It's beautiful, Em. And I haven't thanked you for the hats you made for Eden and Vincent. I love them! Eden's is the most darling hat ever and she looks so cute in it. I guess you saw the pictures of her in it. Vincent hasn't worn his very much because it hasn't been cold enough.
Hope you guys are feeling better!

Isla Vincent said...

It's funny - I didn't notice that this post of yours was almost a year old - no wonder Lydia looks so little!