Monday, February 11, 2008

New Years' Resolution Update

I'm trying to keep myself accountable on these. Elizabeth, your dedication to WW is an inspiration to me, since I feel like a big flop in the eating right/exercise department!

1. Read at least 25 books this year. (Starting a third book this week. Did I mention I get a lot of reading done while nursing?)
2. Brush up on my knowledge of French pronunciation for voice lessons. (Haven't touched this yet; still looking for an easy, free way to do this.)
3. Practice guitar more consistently. (Getting some better, but need to pull out the guitar the minute Benjamin dozes off...)
4. Stick to my new cleaning regimen. (Doing pretty well here, except for the weeks I had the flu.)
5. Read Bible and have devotions consistently, every day, no excuses. (Pooey. It's been hit-and-miss at best.)
6. Pray nightly for requests God lays on my heart. (Have been slacking off ever since the flu. Ever notice how schedule disruptions can throw everything off?)
7. Work out. My goal is to start small with 15 minutes a day. (I am ashamed...)
8. Fix hot meals every night; even when I'm teaching, have something Jeff can put in the oven. (YES! At least I have success here. There's only been one night where Jeff had to cook.)
9. Find time for crafts or creative things. This could be a sewing project, a musical composition, poem, drawing, decorating project, whatever. (Yes! I'm working on finishing up curtains for the dining room, and also slooowly finishing a crocheted scarf that I started two years ago...LOL)
10. Keep a biweekly "date night" with Jeff where we can discuss financial, spiritual, and mental wellbeing. (Yes, we've kept this up.)

I will try to evaluate myself every month so I can see how I'm doing.


Laura said...

I'm proud of you, girl!

Elizabeth said...

OK. AWESOME! I'm proud of you too. In my line of work they say not to expect to change more than 3things at one time over a 6 week period, so you are doing great!

disclamer: *****Dr Rose feels the need for unsolicited advice. Feel free to ignore...*****
Of the ones not fully met focus on one a week to make them more of a regimine and you will do it!

Remember that the 15 minutes of exercise can be cumulative: run up/down stairs twice 3x/day! Do baby push ups with legs bent in air until baby vomits or mommy's abs are sore.
...I could tell you all kinds of great ideas, but then I'd have to follow my own advice, right!!!
Seriously, you're doing great. Give yourself a huge pat on the back, and remember if you pat long enough, its exercise...hahaha
Love you!

Emily said...

Thanks for the pep talk! I have been using baby for exercise, actually! It's not always realistic to go through a whole workout video when baby starts whining for attention. I did 50 squats yesterday while holding him. He loved it. The that's another good idea. I think the secret for me is not to get too perfectionistic. If I think I have to finish a whole workout with the DVD then I'll never do it. Baby steps.
I think I've got the meal thing down now. It's part of my thinking and I'm getting it done early in the day (at least deciding what I'll fix). So, yes, I'll focus on another thing this week. Exercise. :)

Mom25Munchkins said...

You are being such a good person.
Maybe I should start with 15 mins a day...maybe that would actually happen!:)