Friday, April 13, 2007

Closing snafu stuff

Okay, the appliances are in, minor fix-ups are being done, and we're ready to move in...except the check hasn't cleared which we transferred from another account for the downpayment. It's been a week. They're just incredibly sloooow. I hope it will show up by closing Wednesday...another chance for us to trust, I guess.
Also the Bug won't be available until Thursday. :( Until then I'll be heading out early with Jeff so he can drop me off and I can get a lot of extra practicing in...hey, this way my guitar skills should improve superfast. :)
I'll be very thankful when everything's done!


Elizabeth said...

Sorry about the snafu. Can't wait for you to move in and do the happy dance (no longer on mute)
Love you! So happy! Hope Jeff likes the sky blue ceiling...

Elizabeth said...

SO, just doing the math, and you should have had your ultrasound for the baby by now, right????? I'm on pins and needles...
Gray Blue or Gray Pink????

I know this is a crazy week for you! I'll be patient as I wait to know...girl/boy/girl: Girl, my final answer...

Will said...

You're gettin ready to be SOOO MOVED!!


rcsnickers said...

Praying as you move into you new home! Can't wait to hear about your house and your baby gender!!!!


Nene said...

Can't wait to get an update...boy or girl?? Hope everything is going well with the move!