Saturday, April 07, 2007

Silly Survey from Letisha!

Letisha, I filched your survey for lack of anything else to write about. If you're reading this, consider yourself tagged!

Favorite magazine? Better Homes & Gardens

What is your favorite tv show? HG TV? I don't watch a lot

What's on your mouse pad? It's weird but I don't have one.

Favorite smell? tea olive blossoms, or maybe wisteria

Worst feeling in the world: oh no, I forgot about that make-up lesson....!

Things I do on the weekends: hiking, errands, sleep in

Favorite Soundtrack: Pride and Prejudice (the BBC version)

What is the first thing that you thought of when you woke up this morning? I have to pee

Do you get motion sickness? nope

Roller Coasters, Exciting or Deadly? Deadly, not fun

Pen or Pencil? Mechanical pencil

How many rings till you answer the phone? 4th or 5th. I hate phones!!

Favorite Foods? Subway turkey & provolone with banana peppers, vinegar and Italian spices

Do you get along with your parents? Yes

Have you ever been convicted of a Crime? no

Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate, with peanut butter!

Croutons or Bacon bits? Croutons

Do you like to drive? when I'm by backseat drivers!

Do you sleep with stuffed animals? no, but I sleep with a husband and sometimes a cat

If you could have any kind of pet, what would it be? a horse...which someone would groom and feed for me :)

What is your zodiac sign? don't really care

Do you eat the stems of your broccoli? yes

If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? interior decorator? Though I like my job pretty well

If you could dye your hair any color, what would it be? same color but with a little more red

If you could have a tattoo, where would it be? somewhere hidden

Have you ever been in love? currently :)

What is on the walls in your room? a wreath, paint

Write the first thing that comes to your mind: the baby is kicking me...little tiny kicks

Is your glass half empty or half full? half empty...trying to work on that!

What is your favorite Snapple? Not sure I've ever had it

Are you righty, lefty or ambidextrous? Righty

Do you type with your fingers on the correct keys? yep

If you could be any gardening tool what would it be? a trowel

What is under your bed? a couple of framed pictures

What is your favorite number? 7

What is your favorite color? salmon

What was your first car? 1992 Mercury Sable (the Great White Whale)

What is your dream car? a blue Miata

Favorite sport to watch? horseracing? Maybe ice skating. The tour de France isn't bad


rcsnickers said...

oh I would love to hear that soundtrack! Must check it out. Thanks for the laughs and smiles at your answers. That was fun. Glad you did it!

To answer your question: I am feeling great! I always have a burst of energy at start. By 6 or 7 wks I am attacked by afternoon naps then 8wks starts the can't keep anything down! Still in awe and humbled that we are expecting another child! Just amazing.....


Emily said...

I'm so excited for you. :) Very different from my experience that you get that burst of energy! I was just irritable! :-\ I hope you're not going to be very sick with this pregnancy...I'll be praying it's an easy one for you! I know you're so excited...I bet the kids are too! Any preferences as to gender?

rcsnickers said...

I can totally see us having another boy, but a girl would be great and close in age to Little Mama. We shall see...

I know Daniel is hoping for a girl. :)

Thanks for the prayers!

When do you have your ultrasound? Getting close!


Emily said...

Next Thursday we find out! If it's a girl, we'll have to do some serious thinking about names...

Nene said...

I will never forget the "Great White Whale" :)