Tuesday, April 24, 2007

It's a Boy!

Most of you got my email (sorry Letisha, I didn't have yours!) but I thought I'd post it officially! Apparently our guy was being pretty shy...all he would show the technician was the top of his head! She said it was like he knew she was trying to look at him and was hiding from her. But finally she got a good look and it's certain...he's a boy! The measurements were all within average and he's developing normally. I've been feeling him kick a lot more lately.

And yes, closing went fine and we're all moved in!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!! We slept here the night after closing on an air mattress and brought over our immediate living stuff. Then Saturday we got some guys from church to help us move. It was Men's Retreat weekend, so we were very thankful there were a few "slackers" who didn't go! :) The piano was the worst to move, with Jeff on one end and two guys on the other. It's amazing they got it done and it's in one piece!

I puttered around a little helping with small items. It was actually really nice to be pregnant and not have to do a lot, hee hee. :) I'm very thankful for Jeff and his ability to carry large objects and hook them up (washer, dryer, internet and computer)! We're fully functioning and did a mountain of laundry yesterday, along with stacking the dishwasher full of packed-away dishes...

Oh, and also got my new Bug on Thursday. :) The stick is a little tricky to drive but it's great having my own wheels. :) (Okay, my cheeks are getting tired from all the smiley faces)

I knew all this would happen in time, but it seems unreal now that it has. I feel incredibly blessed. Jeff has a hard time going to work every morning because we both want to putter around and settle our "nest." It will happen in time. :) Meanwhile we have visits from friends and family to look forward to. Love you guys and thanks for your prayers and support!


Maggie said...

Hooray, congradulations! What a lot of excitement at one time. It's so wonderful to move into a new house. Are you excited that the baby is a boy? Did you have a preference?

Have fun settling in!

rcsnickers said...

"I was right, I was right!" Congratulations on a son! Glad you are moved into your new home and you got your bug. I know your folks are beyond thrilled and blessed. Look forward to pictures when completely settled in.

Just curious, what childbirth books have you read?


Elizabeth said...

My cheecks hurt too from all the happy smiles!! I'm so happy for you and Jeff! You knew it was a boy, huh! Abbie has saved all kinds of stuff of Sam's for you, so you will be all set. I'll even bring them to you (and some fabric?) some time around the 3rd week of May if you want! I have almost 3 weeks off for the move and settling.
AND you're own car!!!!! Happy Happy.

Laura said...


Erin said...

Congratulations! Like Letisha, I was also wondering what reading you've been up to in your spare time!

Nene said...

So excited for you!! What names have you narrowed it down to?

rcsnickers said...

Oh I had that Reese's PB Blast from Sonic! Oh yeah, it was delicious! Of course, Little Mama had the list bit of it and I was shocked at how many peanut butter cups were in the bottom! Very delicious! thanks for the recommendation. We all loved it!

Hope you are enjoying a relaxing weekend snuggled in your new home!


Emily said...

Sorry ladies, I haven't been reading much of anything--though quite a bit on the internet. I'm signing up for a Bradley method birthing class (12 weeks) which will start end of May. And yes, thanks for the reminder that I need to get reading...things have just been so unsettled, I haven't been able to make myself sit down and do it!
As for names, we don't mind telling--we settled on Benjamin Thomas. I figure no one can have any objections to such an old-fashioned name :) It's a good thing it's not a girl. We really could not agree on a single name. :)

Erin said...

Bradley method is great! You should have a lot of fun and learn a lot. Considering I've read just about every birthbook it seems like. Let me know if you need recommendations or if something is worth buying.


rcsnickers said...

My SIL and I have quite a collection of books and would be glad to mail them to you to read! Let me know!

I wanted to take the Bradley Method class too. Six weeks right? Should be an interesting class and learn a lot from!


Emily said...

Thanks, Letisha, I really would like some good books...I'll gladly pay for shipping if you send a couple! I have nothing (except just ordered The Thinking Woman's Guide by Henci Goer).

Laura said...

Emmie-how cool-just read that you're going to do the Bradley classes. I got the book (Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way) and read that but no classes. Even that helped tons (I used the wave thing during contractions for most of the time until transition hit.) Another great book that inspired me to go natural is Ina May Gaskin's Guide to Childbirth. It's filled w/empowering stories of women who gave birth w/no drugs whatsover and some who even enjoyed it. :-) I highly recommend it!