Thursday, October 18, 2007

life at 3 weeks

It's funny, but though I'm sleep deprived, I've also been getting more reading done. There are certain times when I have to sit when I'm feeding Benjamin. I've gotten good at using my toes to grab a blanket or books or whatever while I'm trying not to disturb a feeding or sleeping baby. Prehensile toes...a definite blessing, LOL.

I finished "The Chosen" by Chaim Potok today. I gained lots of new information about the Hassidic Jews, while being entertained and moved by the book. Not what I'd call a dark book, but it deals with serious and sad issues. I recommend it.

I also finished "The Giver" two days ago. I highly recommend this too. This is another "youth novel" that can be enjoyed by any age. It's a deeply thought-provoking book written in a simple style that makes the emotional content that much more real.

Today I enjoyed telling Benjamin about the sun, moon and stars and what they do, who made them...I felt a bit like an Earthling describing the wonders of earth to a little Alien :D and realizing all over again how beautiful and full of wonder God's creation is.

God is the ultimate creative mind...and Edith Schaeffer's "Hidden Art of Homemaking" brings that home (another book I've finished recently). Her style of writing is a little dated, but I love how she delves into the philosophy of why we create anything beautiful (music, art, clothing, homes, poetry). We are imitating the Creator. It is His nature to create (consider the variety in creation...who would have thought up the Moon and its phases?) and we're made in His image. That's all the reason we need. Cleared up a lot of utilitarian thinking for me...and there are some good homemaking ideas in there as well.

I apologize for these posts being a little random. I"ll end with some more pictures of my favorite little boy. :)


Laura said...

I'm so impressed with all the reading you've gotten done-it took me at least 6 weeks to be able to do anything while breastfeeding!

And your little man just keeps getting cuter and cuter-can't believe how expressive he is already!

Will said...

I love to hear about your parenting and the books you're reading.
Thanks for sharing!

kittyrat234 said...

Em, I am amazed that you are able to do anything. My whole life was carrying Brady as he took 20 minute cat naps, woke up, cried, etc. Benjamin also lets you put him down without screaming which is incredible to me. I am shaking my head in amazement.

I am so, so glad that you are having such a relatively easy time of it. It's astonishing.

Emily said...

Julie...I know I'm having a much easier time of it than many! My next child will probably be a hard case! I did have a taste of what you describe, though it didn't last nearly as long, during those first couple of weeks. It was exhausting. He was collicky, screaming, inconsolable, especially at night. But once I cut out dairy he seemed better. I think he is by nature a pretty calm little guy.

Everyone tells you to enjoy these precious moments while they last...and they are precious, but there's something to be said for a baby who can process his food without pain, smile at you, and sleep through the night. :)

rcsnickers said...

So you did cut out dairy and it worked! yay!!! I too am impressed with your book reading and toe techniques. Such talent God gives us Mothers! :) I love the picture of Jeff and Benjamin... just sweetness! He is getting cuter and cuter as Laura said!

Makes me excited to hold our new little one!


Unknown said...

It won't be long now, right? How many weeks? How are you feeling these days?

Unknown said...

Oops, I'm logged in under Jeff. I'm using his computer. It's Emily. :)

Elizabeth said...

Thanks for posting! Benjamin is too precious: and I'm not biased, right!!! LOVE the party in my crib shirt. too funny.
I too am amazed at all the reading you're getting done! When I'm sleep deprived I just keep reading the same page over and over...
So, all the toe acrobatics we did came in handy jealous...
Love you cuz!

rcsnickers said...

We are at week 32! :)

I know, I know, I need to post a belly picture.

letisha (who just realized Daniel is logged in and almost posted under his account and name. I do it too!)

Erin said...

Em, he's getting so adorable! We love using those sleeper/dress things. It's so nice reading when breastfeeding. I think I've read about 10 books since the babies were born. How's your student doing?

Emily said...

I love the sleepers! Easy to change them and the extra length means they don't outgrow them so fast. He's already out of several of his newborn onesies. So I'm not the only "feeder reader." :D