Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Busy life

Working part time has definitely made life busier! I teach three days, then catch up on chores the rest of the week. Benjamin has adjusted to the nursery well (after the first day when his chin was trembling from sad!). Now, he seems to sleep better the more noise there is in there! Jeff picks him up early when he can, and takes care of him until I return in the evening. We have cut back on some church activities out of necessity. Wednesday night church is out of the question. I teach up until 6:30, and then I need to either pump or feed him. Sometime in there I have to eat dinner, and I don't feel right having Benjamin away from home from 1:00 to 8:30 or so. And then there's the problem of Jeff getting enough sleep, as he leaves for work at 5:45. Yes, it's a crazy life!!
I've also given up church choir for awhile. Sunday is already a stressful day for Benjamin, and coming to choir at 4:30 is just a little much. I have been signed up to play offertories in the next couple of months and am on the singing schedule. That's enough for me!
Benjamin is healthy and seems well. I am a little concerned about a tummy bulge that I think may be an infant hernia (pretty common.) We get it checked out tomorrow. It doesn't seem to cause him pain but will probably need minor surgery. We'll see. I think it may be hereditary, since Laurance, myself, and Charles all had them.
The weather is beautiful here! The fall colors seem more vivid than usual. We had our first freeze last night, and I'm afraid it killed the tomatoes. The zinnias were looking leggy and pathetic, so I'm not too worried about them.
I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving!


rcsnickers said...

How interesting, Daniel had the hernia and surgery at a baby as well. So far, none of our kids have.

Glad he has adjusted to his nursery.

Letisha (too cold to think of anything else!)

Laura said...

wow-y'all do have a busy life! And don't feel guilty about having to cut back on things-that's just how it is and this way you'll be a little less stressed. :-)
Glad he's adjusted well to the nursery. Keep us posted re: the hernia-I didn't know y'all had those when you were babies-don't know much about it at all but will be praying all goes well. love you, chickie!

Emily said...

Yes, it's busy...but Jeff says next year I may not have to work. That would be easier on him too since taking care of Benjamin takes a chunk out of his evenings!

Emily said...

Forgot to ask, Letisha, how quick was recovery? I stlil have a small scar from mine but I'm assuming they don't have to make as large an incision anymore? Did they use general anesthesia?

rcsnickers said...

I will ask Daniel or his Mom. I do know he was 18 months when they finally did the surgery.


Emily said...

They are telling me they will wait too. We go to see the specialist soon.