The Basketball Court/Bedroom needed some help, so we moved the bed out of the corner where it was haphazardly wedged, and added some simple sheer curtains. ($12 each at Lowe's...I figured probably the same price as making them, and way easier). It's a big improvement, but we still need something on the walls. Something large...several of them. I am open to any suggestions!
The storage container on the right side of the bed is filling in as a nightstand right now. The baby toys are not part of the decor plan! We are storing the bookshelf for friends. They said we could stain it, but we haven't gotten around to it. There is that cool nook at one end of the room that I'd like to do something with. Just not sure what. The glider doesn't belong there, but I moved it in when I had the flu and haven't yet moved it out.
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Wow-that is a huge MBR! A mirror above the bed (possibly w/a swag)? Or several framed family pics or one big (nature-type) framed print?
For the nook, a reading place would be great-but I guess you'd have to purchase a bench of some sort to fit there. At least you have lots of room to roll around w/Benjamin! :-)
That is a huge room and the bed looks comfy! Sorry I have no advice and my rooms proves it! I love Laura's ideas and now I want to see pics of her decor!
Okay, I thought of something cool for the wall space above your bed-I saw this done on a decorating show and it looked awesome. You can "press" leaves/plants in the microwave and then frame them in shadow boxes. Before framing them, find the Latin names for the leaves and write that beside them.
Here's a link on how to do the leaves in the mircowave. Basically you just need some silica gel, which you can pick up at any craft store.
I have so many ideas and so little time. We had the same problem at the beach and found some awesome iron grates for outdoors that we hung on the wall to either side of a woven rug that looked like a tapestry I found at TJ max or ROss and hung it on a curtain rod. It filled the space and took away the echo.
OH the nook. I love the nook. Can I come visit and do some decorating? No, I'd just hold and play with Benjamin anyway. How do you get anything done?
I'll post or email you more ideas soon. Love you!
Wow, thanks for the idea Laura. You know me...nearly free art, I like that! :) I will give it a try. There's a Michael's nearby and I'm sure they have silica gel. Now I just have to wait until there are some plants...with leaves around. Jeff could do the Latin names or even print them out in a cool font.
Thanks! And I second Letisha...please post some pics of your home and your lovely antiques. I love the way they add old timey charm to your house.
I couldn't wait. Make some large comfy pillows for the floor in the nook. Use old pillows for cheap stuffing, just cut open the old pillow and pull out the stuffing: its a great work out re plumping the stuffing. Make long ones, skinny ones, big fat ones, etc. And if you don't have tons of leftover fabric like I do, let me know...Remnants work great too.
Are you here now: how cool!
Elizabeth, I love wrought iron and Jeff has to gently guide me away from it anytime we pass any. I'm picturing what you described from your beach house and I love it. Maybe I could find an iron gate at an antiques place...I've seen them there before...and paint if needed. I love the idea of having gates to a beautiful tapestry scene. There's enough room on these blank walls to do a lot of things.
Yes!! Please come over!!
Yeah, I thought I just missed seeing your post but I guess it appeared while I was posting :)
Great minds huh!
I saw my mom today and recieved my Christmas present from you! I LOVE IT! THank you so much. Of course Laura C and I took turns wearing it as a crown and trying to each wear part of it...
Still, my favorite gift was the great green wonder you hand knitted. I still have it.
I do have a lot of remnants. And, bingo, old pillows I never threw out. that I've finished sewing our dining room curtains finally, another sewing project for Benjamin's naptime. I'm compulsive I'm afraid. Today finished my crocheting project from two years ago and it is warped, ugly and completely useless. Jeff and I had a good laugh over all my work that is now only good for a cat toy :) Sometimes my projects turn out ugly but they're always fun. I don't think I can mess up pillows too badly though!
Great green wonder? When did I inflict this on you? I'm sorry :)
Oh, I'm glad you liked the necklace!! :)
ohhh, oohhh, I want it! An Emmie origonal. We can always saw it was from the DDB&M community. Alot of my things belong there...
My precious green wonder was shortly after I was married: I have a picture of us with it on my head...hehehe. I think its a doily. Or a hat. But I use it as a mini tree skirt and get a good laugh and then an ache from missing you.
Exactly how many comments will blogger let you make, hmmm.
By the way, you can only mess up pillows if you try to be fancy. Keep it simple and you will be fine. I almost lost my mind making fancy pillows a few years ago. I sewed pretty buttons in the center and pleated and then ended up not using them b/c they weren't soft to put my head on...duh
We call it the Blue Thing and the closest thing it resembles is a wad of fuzzy blue yarn that got beat around in the washer and then shrunk in some places but not others. The string on the end is irresistible to Frodo.
Sounds like my favorite sweater...
I remember now. I'm embarrassed that I actually gave that to you. :) Good advice to keep it simple. I think with sewing I've finally learned that. All my curtains are just hemming jobs.
Almost bought a crochet book today but then put it need to encourage myself....the world has enough Blue Things...
Got to run, have a good night! It was fun talking in real time!
ME to! Love you! Kiss Benjamin for me.
Will do! :) Night night, as my mom always said :)
Oh I can hear the laughter in that conversation!
I just remembered that you live near IKEA. Daniel's Mom is ALWAYS finding good deals there and they have good organized item PLUS cast iron items. They sell fabric and she did a wonder with it making pillows and such for her place. I wish I could go to the see and see the place, or eat there delicious desserts I have heard they have.
Letisha, we got our baby furniture from there. Haven't been in a long time, though so maybe it's time to go again. They have good prices, and cool stuff though tending to be a little on the "modern" side, and the neat Swedish food restaurant on the second floor :) I haven't had dessert there but the Swedish meatballs are good! Maybe I'll see what they've got online. I didn't know they had cast iron stuff...uh oh :)
Is the nook an inappropriate size for your bed? Seems like you could frame your bed in there nicely, maybe tuck in some built-in book shelves on both sides (how's Jeff with wood work?).
I would definitely check out IKEA;Love that place! also, try Craigslist for inexpensive additions. You never know what you'll find there!
You could make a comfy reading spot on the other side of the room with maybe a settee or put the glider there with some bookshelves.
Sorry if these ideas are impractical. It's hard to tell from pictures!:)
Love to you guys!
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