Benjamin has been walking for a couple of weeks now. His first step was at the coaxing of one of my piano students who was at our house for a lesson...I wasn't even there to see it! :( After that he wouldn't do much, just an occasional step. I think after being around his twin cousins, one of whom is really walking well, and some of the toddlers at the gym nursery, he decided to go for it. His record right now is 62 steps, and he's getting faster and more steady.
I'm going to post a video of him walking when I get a minute...meanwhile enjoy the picture of Benjamin at the Mill :) Jeff and I are also in a Patch production at church and that's taking up some time. And, school starts Monday!!! I feel better this go round about leaving Benjamin in the nursery. He seems to really enjoy playing with other kids and can hold his own with slightly older kids. We'll see how it goes. I'm just teaching 3 days a week.
Jeff and I had a great date night Friday and were able to assess where we are financially, relationally, intellectually, physically etc. and set some new goals. We also redid our budget to adjust for inflation (yay) and also rising gas prices. It's always comforting to know exactly where you are and what you're trying to achieve, even if it means buckling down a bit...