I'm going to post a video of him walking when I get a minute...meanwhile enjoy the picture of Benjamin at the Mill :) Jeff and I are also in a Patch production at church and that's taking up some time. And, school starts Monday!!! I feel better this go round about leaving Benjamin in the nursery. He seems to really enjoy playing with other kids and can hold his own with slightly older kids. We'll see how it goes. I'm just teaching 3 days a week.
Jeff and I had a great date night Friday and were able to assess where we are financially, relationally, intellectually, physically etc. and set some new goals. We also redid our budget to adjust for inflation (yay) and also rising gas prices. It's always comforting to know exactly where you are and what you're trying to achieve, even if it means buckling down a bit...
wow, walking all ready? Way too fast! I know our little one is standing and starting to let go. I am pretty sure she will be an early walker.
Hey, you questioned cleaning the house.... to clarify.... cleaning the house was not part of cousin camp. We have guest visiting us this week and well my walls were in much need of washing! So we gave each kid a rag and set them loose with alllll that energy. Some how it disappeared on a few kids. Hmmmm. At any rate, we are excited to see Will, Laura and Ella soon!!!!!!! :)
Yes, I heard they were coming to see you. That will be so fun! Wish we could see you too.
I guess the secret to getting everyone to help is making it enjoyable. We used to help mom polish the wood floor by tying rags to our feet and ice skating!
oh I would of love to have seen that!
We did have a wonderful visit!! Such fun. I so missed seeing your whole family last July! Lord willing we can another time! :)
Walking Already! Wow! Its hard to believe how fast he's growing! Miss you cuz!
Can't wait for the video!
BTW: I just posted. Love you!
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