Friday, November 07, 2008

Wait a minute...back up!

I had my first prenatal appointment yesterday, and it seems I may not be as far along as I thought. Since the heartbeat could not be detected yet and my cycles had been weird before conception, they are thinking I may be only 13 or so weeks. I guess I could freak out and worry that the baby is no longer alive, but I don't feel strange and there are no other indications that anything's wrong, so I opted to wait until the next appointment instead of undergoing a lot of tests. Actually, if I were "less" pregnant, that would be a good thing, as I would finish out the school year.

Benjamin had a well-baby check up too, and everything's fine except his weight doesn't quite match his height. Height is 75th percentile, while weight is 30th. They recommended feeding him more protein. He's so active he burns everything right off and doesn't always slow down to eat as much as he should. So, beans and chicken and cottage cheese comin' at you, kid!

Our sixth anniversary is coming up this weekend and Jeff's mom offered to come and watch Benjamin while we have a date. We're going out to dinner Saturday times!


Erin said...

Are the WHO charts for breastfed baby boys or regular charts being used? Not the same! Should be interesting to see how far along you really are... that would be good to finish out the school year first.

Laura said...

Sorry you had the flu-I'm really behind reading blogs, eh? I'm sure you're really eager for your next appt and hearing the heartbeat-I'll be praying for you and baby!
Love you!

Laura said...

P.S. LOVE Benjamin's pic!

Elizabeth said...

Thanks for the update! Glad you're feeling good: more time to make girl clothes!!!!!

rcsnickers said...

Well at any rate, you flew through your first trimester for sure! :) I would also comment that maybe you have an anterior placenta? That makes it heard to hear the heartbeat.