Thursday, December 04, 2008


I heard the baby's heartbeat this morning at my prenatal checkup. It's fast, 150, so maybe my hunch is right that it's a girl! I'm scheduled for an ultrasound the first week of January, where we'll hopefully be able to determine the gender. And fundal height is measuring low, so my approximate due date is now late May. My SIL Kimberly is due in June, so who knows...if she's early and I'm late the cousins could share the same birthday. :)

Still feeling pretty good, except for an occasional sick morning. I've had maybe 4 or 5 of those.

So, Letisha, I guess my race through the first trimester has not really been that...with the messed up dates, I am just now 14 weeks, according to fundal height measurement!

I'm very happy with my new end-of-May dates, though, since there will be no conflict now with the last week or so of school. :)


rcsnickers said...

What wonderful news! Sorry for the sick days but thankful for the heartbeat!!! Yeah for Kimberly as well!!! hmmm, Erin next since Laura just had her boy! :) Wait, isn't your brother getting married in June? What a busy month!

Anonymous said...

Wow! that's great. Congratulations.

Erin said...

Nope I'm not next. I think we're happy with the number we have right now!

Yea for fun prenatal appointments!

Anonymous said...

Good. I'm glad to hear confirmation :-).

Emily said...

June will definitely be a busy month. I guess we can't expect Chuck to hold up his wedding until nobody's imminently expecting or has a young baby. :) I am sad I can't go, though. They are coming to Sumter after their honeymoon and doing a reception.