Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Personal Trivia Question

So, what's the latest movie you've watched, and the latest book you've read? Just curious. :)

Here are mine:

Movie: the BBC version of Sense and Sensibility. I liked it almost as well as the Emma Thompson version.

Book: "Letters From My Grandmother's Trunk" by Cora Martin. This is a book of love letters, published by my dad's aunt, between my great-grandmother Cora Martin Pos and her then fiancee Bernard Pos. Initially it didn't seem that attractive to me, but it's turned out to be one of the most fascinating reads I've had in a while. I finished the book having learned a lot about life on a homestead in Colorado in 1890 as well as more cultured seminary life in Nashville. It also gave me a feeling of nostalgic regret that we have lost the art of good letter-writing. And made me realize that people who lived over a hundred years ago could laugh, tease each other mercilessly, and worry and love. Oh, and most precious of all, I learned from their example of keeping their faith in the forefront. Every letter shows that their priorities were staying close to God and serving others.

Ok, your turn!


rcsnickers said...

I am a little slow here. Yes I love the BBC version but surprisingly not as much as the Emma Thompson version!

Wow, what a treasure of letters! That would be sweet to read.

Emily said...

I agree; not quite as much as the Emma Thompson version.
They are amazing letters. I doubt many people's letters (let alone love letters) could stand up so well to public scrutiny. They're intelligent, funny and surprisingly God-centered.
Makes me sad to realize their oldest daughter made an unfortunate marriage that led to such turmoil in my dad's early life. It really made me want to pray very hard for my children. Us being "good" parents is not all they will need to get through life!

Unknown said...

1. Not sure if it counts, but we have been watching SuperSillySong's productions via YouTube. Brady loves them, especially "Super-fast Uh-huh". Produced by three guys teaching English to preschoolers and early school aged kids in Japan. Really well done.

2. Curious George Goes to the Chocolate Factory

kittyrat234 said...

Didn't realize Chris's account was signed in. Above comment is from Julie. :)