Sunday, February 01, 2009

Finally Done

Just a quick post to say I just finished reading the Bible in a year!! Well, a little over a year. I was way behind but doubled up to finish before January was over. Now I'm starting again.

I just discovered the possibility of listening to my daily readings using the downloadable MP3 on the ESV Chronological Reading Guide. The readings are not dramatized, just plain and simple and easy to listen to. I like turning one on as I crochet during one of Benjamin's naps. It's a great way to multitask and get those readings in. I'm not an aural learner, but it is easy for me to follow along when I'm doing something else with my hands.

Recently Benjamin has created his own "quiet crib time." When he's looking tired, I put him in there with some toys and go in the next room to check email or do readings. I check on him every few minutes, and eventually he falls asleep by himself. This is such a change from before and so nice!


Erin said...

What a great idea to listen and crochet! And yeah for naptimes like that. We had to do that with the twins for a few weeks... toys + cheerios and they were eventually out. Where do you get the ESV downloads?

Emily said...


At that link, scroll down to the "Read Through the Bible in a Year" and pick one...I'm doing Chronological. You'll probably need an RSS reader to view the daily updates, or you can just come back to the site everyday and click on the reading for the day.

If you have Itunes, you can subscribe to this link and if you leave Itunes open every day it will pull in your new reading automatically. (It's a podcast.)

Sorry if that seems confusing!

rcsnickers said...

sounds so cool! makes me wish I had an ipod or something to download and listen to. what a great idea!

hey, any belly pics soon??? :)

Emily said...

Ok, I'll post one just for you! :)

Elizabeth said...

So awesome all that you accomplish! I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!