Saturday, June 13, 2009

11 days late

Tried taking blue and black cohosh tinctures today to speed things along. Took 2,000 ml of each with a swish of water, every 20 minutes, while also walking and pumping. I did this for 3 hours. I got a few contractions out of the deal, but alas, nothing that felt stronger than anything I would have gotten exercising normally. Cohosh is nasty stuff!

We did have a nice complimentary dinner (thanks MIL!) at Cracker Barrel tonight and I had the spicy grilled fish, and the yummy fried apples. There's nothing quite like a no-holds-barred, buttered-up, down-home meal.

Tuesday is 42 weeks and "time's up" for a nice peaceful birthing center delivery. Tomorrow I try the dreaded castor oil...though at this point I'm wondering if it will have any effect! At least if I need to be medically induced, I can finish up my labor at the center. At this point I'm really ready to have it over with!


rcsnickers said...

I am praying hard that you do not have to be medically induced!!!!

Emily said...

Thank you Letisha! I can feel the prayers!