Saturday, June 06, 2009

Strange Turn of Events!

It should be interesting to see how the timing of everything plays out...

On the way to Gville Friday night, Jeff noticed that his elbow felt kind of sore. He didn't think much of it but the aching started to get worse through the evening and it turned red and swollen. Mom G and I were looking concerned so he figured he'd better go to the emergency room. We thought it might be a spider bite, because he had a couple of pin-prick marks on his elbow.

Hoping it wasn't a brown recluse (especially after seeing the gross pictures on the medical help site), he went in and was told it was an infection of the cells in his skin. The bite marks were old, so if a spider had bitten him, he would have noticed something much earlier. They prescribed a mild antibiotic and told him to use a marker to circle the area so he could tell if it had spread.

By this morning it had doubled in size and was still hot to the touch and fiery red. He kept taking the meds hoping they would help, but by dinner it was no better so he went in again.

The attending physician has had the same exact problem (even in his arm) and diagnosed it as a staph infection that may have been caused by a bug bite (carrying the staph germs) or even by bumping his arm. Probably the bug bite since he has those little holes in his elbow. They gave him much stronger antibiotics through an IV and he's taking more orally. And, he has to schedule surgery later this week with an orthopedic surgeon to remove the inflammation on the bursa. Thankfully the infection has not spread to the lymph nodes, which could be really dangerous.

Now for the providence part, which we didn't even think of until we prayed together tonight!

Jeff just happened to notice it on his way to Gville, where he could have some help and be with family. If it had happened in Atlanta, he probably first of all wouldn't have gone to the emergency room and second of all would have had no help with the surgery etc. I would have worried myself sick :) and he may have ended up having surgery in Atlanta while I had the baby here...crazy!

The doctor attending Jeff had the same exact problem and diagnosed it quickly. He also was a friend and colleague of Jeff's uncle. Talk about expert and personal care.

The baby is late, which (may) turn out to be a convenient thing. Still waiting for the verdict on that one and whether or not surgery will coincide with birthing...please no :) But there is already so much evidence that God's hand is in this that I can't really worry about that.

Though I've been second-guessing my wisdom in coming out to Greenville to wait for a birth, now I am VERY glad we are where we are, and will have Jeff's mother to help us out! With Jeff partly incapacitated and Benjamin being as active as he is....well, it's just working out very well. And, I'm even thankful we came up as early as we did, much as I've felt a bit displaced and homesick. Benjamin has had plenty of time to adjust his high-strung little temperament to living at Grandma's and they're becoming best of friends.

We've both been reading a biography of John Newton (writer of Amazing Grace). One of the themes of his life was God's providence, and he often used examples of it in his own life to encourage others and to thank God. He said that, even when we think things are going fine and we have nothing to fear, God is protecting us in myriads of ways. Every so often He pulls back the curtain just an inch so we can see how much His goodness is guiding and planning and putting a hedge about us. I can honestly thank God for this situation because it reminds me of His care for us.


rcsnickers said...

I love to see God work details out like that! Glad Jeff is okay -- minus the pain!

Laura said...

wow, Em. So sorry for Jeff but glad he is where he can get help-we'll be praying for his infection to get better soon and for the baby to not come on surgery day.
Love you!