It's just too bizarre. I have to believe there's something in the genes, which has waited until now to emerge, affecting spouses and cousins of our family. I do have a theory. I believe one of the homemade bombs my brothers made as teenagers caused a fluke in the genes (this also affected cousin Jim). It all started with that harmless little pipe bomb, forever setting in motion a chain of events that has just now, 15 years later, begun to disrupt all of our lives.
Don't tell me it's coincidence. I place the blame firmly on the Brothers and Cousin and their insane experiments.
Here are the events as I see them. They began almost exactly a year ago, to date.
#1. Charles, through a strange series of events, moves overseas to Guam with a 3-year teaching contract. Being younger and more susceptible, he was affected earliest.
#2. Emily and Jeff, homebodies and longtime residents of Greenville, get an urge to pick up and move to Atlanta. (Apparently those in any proximity were affected by this biological timebomb. I happened to be inside playing Chopin, yet we were some of the first targets.)
#3. Abbie discovers she is pregnant. This owing of course to the fact that Jim put the actual bomb together.
#4. Just weeks later, Kimberly is pregnant. It was Laurance that fired the fuse, and his proximity caused this major life change.
#5. Even in Thailand there is no escape. It's encapsulated in the genes. Erin is pregnant with TWINS.
#6. Emily is hit again with a second, more serious symptom. It's not a bladder infection, it's a BABY.
#7. Elizabeth and Kris, long content at their beautiful beach home, accept a job opening for her in Florence. In a whirlwind of events, they uproot and move.
#8. Willie and Laura do not escape. A better job offer in Florence has them even now preparing to sell their house, drop everything and move. (Somehow Will, Elizabeth, and Jim were affected magnetically. The magnetic field recently became stronger, causing them to converge together near Florence. Of course, their spouses were affected as well.)
#9. There is apparently a second magnetic field, affecting the birthdate of two babies (though this is unconfirmed...more details to come later!!)
We still do not know if these events are converging ONCE in a lifetime or if they will happen again. In any case, be forewarned that if one major life change begins with one of the family, prepare yourself for anything. It could be your spouse will announce a career change to NASA astronaut. Perhaps you will find yourself moving to Siberia. Or you may find you are expecting quintuplets. Forewarned is forearmed!