Thursday, October 25, 2007

Prayer requests

My mom asked me to pass this on since she's not able to call everyone. Ma-ma is still in the hospital, and is fine except for fluid in her lungs. (She went in initially b/c she was anemic). Elizabeth was there a couple of days ago to help her get up and about...and probably has more details (mom couldn't talk long). Please do pray that the fluid will go down and she'll be able to come home soon. With older people pneumonia can be a real danger. Also pray for Mom as she goes back and forth from the hospital and home.

Another prayer request...thank you for praying for my student. I'm afraid the diagnosis is not good. She has a mass on her liver and more in both lungs. I believe God can heal her and am praying to that end. Please, please pray for this young, talented girl. I know God can heal her and I really missed her at lessons this week...she is such a joy to teach, and it makes me tear up every time I think of her facing this serious illness.

God is good to us, always. I'm focusing on that thought today.


rcsnickers said...

I will pray for both of them! Is your student a believer?


Emily said...

Yes. She and her family have been a great example of trusting God...they are bringing Him glory through this!

Elizabeth said...

Will post about Ma Ma: wasn't sure what you knew. Praying for your student and you.
Love you!