Thursday, September 18, 2008

Crafty Stuff

I made another pair of PJs but this time tried some embellishment using flannel from an old pair of boxers. They turned out pretty well but the neckhole of the T-shirt I used was way too big. I did a pleat at the back to get rid of some of the width, but it's still kind of big. Live and learn! Next time I'll cut off the tops of the shoulders and reconnect them so I'm taking equally from the front and back. The cuffs and stripe were harder than I expected.

Also made a thick wool man hat for Jeff. Not that he'll need it many days this winter, but it's fun.


Erin said...

I love the PJs! Jeff will appreciate the hat I'm sure.

Elizabeth said...

LOVE the hat! I agree, adding embelishments to tshirt fabric is very hard. You are inspiring me though: yesterday Abbie gave me a bunch of her grandmas lace and stuff to make dress up clothes for Faith and I'm going to attempt a super cape for Sam. I'll mabye even post if I get them done??? hmm.

Emily said...

Thanks Erin! :)
Yes, please post!! How lucky is Faith to have an aunt who will make her dress-up clothes! Little girls love that so much. As I remember we ruined some of your mom's stuff she'd made for herself when she was a teenager...pretty amazing craftsmanship when I look back...

Emily said...

Or was that Ruth's stuff...anyway some of it was pretty cool!