Friday, May 15, 2009


Since I'm sure that soon a lot of my time and attention will be focused on the newest little one, I thought I'd do a post now about how amazing life already is watching Benjamin grow up! I never knew how much fun it could be to watch him discover the world. Bugs (and the words for them...there's generic "bug," "moth," "blie"--butterfly--"beetle," "pider" and "ant") became and still are a fascination a few months ago. How amazing for him to realize the little black dots on the ground move! The squeals of excitement make us as parents appreciate how amazing God's world is all over again.
Yesterday it was frogs. We had a good rain, and we could hear the frogs calling to each other. Then we saw a big 3-inch toad on the patio. More squeals of excitement as he watched it hop! We found a little inch-long toad and he held it on his hand (and we loved watching the conflicting desires to run away or scream in delight play out on his face!)
Sounds are another source of delight and discovery. The school bus comes through our neighborhood 4 times a day. Then there's the trash truck on Wednesdays and Thursdays. He hears them and asks me, "Hee? Hee?" which is his way of asking to go see. (He has trouble with initial "s" sounds.) There's the magical moment when I opened a window and we heard the rat-a-tat of a woodpecker. I hopped on youtube and showed him a video of woodpeckers busily pecking at a tree. Now one of his favorite things to do is tap with his fingers on a flat surface or make the sounds himself. Last week we heard the beautiful song of a whipporwill at dusk. It was so loud, right outside our door! I haven't shown him what one looks like (you rarely see them anyway, they're so shy!) but he knows it's a bird. Of course dogs barking have been a favorite for a while now, and he knows what an "ambulance truck" sounds like.
Benjamin is a talker. Jeff and I counted up how many words he can say (or sort of say.) It's 185 and counting! He's also a little actor, as we're finding out. He'll pick up his toy bus and then put it down as if it's really, really heavy, huffing and puffing and sagging his shoulders like a jock who just made the winning goal and is trying to look nonchalant. When he's trying mightily to communicate some word I don't quite understand, he'll let his arms fall to his sides, roll his eyes a little, and sigh in frustration.
The hyperactivity we sometimes saw there has started to give way to some self-control. (Yay!) Last night he had a bit of a meltdown while I was teaching a piano lesson at home. Jeff tried in vain to calm him, and then finally just stuck him in his crib and calmly told him to stop crying, and then they could go have fun. He struggled and then got control of himself (he was nap...busy day). He's becoming easier to take places, since he'll obediently hold my hand while we walk across the parking lot or wait in line.
Having kids really is a source of fresh delight every day. They are like little flowers slowly opening. You think each stage is amazing in itself, and then they surprise you with an even more delightful one.
Of course, I'm remembering Benjamin's first three months of life and (I have to admit!) hoping our next baby is more settled and less in pain than he was, but when the tough times do come, I'll know from experience that they give way to times of wonder and delight!


Jeff said...

Admit it. You're dreading the first three months of screaming kicker giving you no sleep. ;) Yeah, I always know how to look on the bright side.

Benjamin really is amazing. There's always a reason for everything he does. He's never random. Like hauling the rug out onto the patio last night (trying to shake it out like mommy does).

Emily said...

Thanks honey...I was TRYING to focus on the positive... :D
Honestly I think what someone said about the "fourth trimester" is completely true! It's not much fun until they settle down and decide to put up with life on this earth as we know it!

Laura said...

Will loves how he hits his head for Jonathan. He's such a cutie-I'm so glad you're having fun discovering things w/him. It reminds me to try to find those simple joys w/Ella too.