Saturday, May 30, 2009

Still Waiting!

Tuesday, June 2nd, will be my due date. It's weird...I'm actually having fewer BH and nothing seems to be happening. Only change is I've started feeling slightly nauseated mid-morning.
We're doing well camped out here in Greenville. Jeff's mom has been great. We've worked out a schedule with Benjamin where he plays in his pool on the porch, plays with his Matchbox cars, and goes for walks with Mom and Gma in the evening. Jeff is here this weekend, and Benjamin is overjoyed to be able to spend time with his Daddy!
It would be just perfect if the baby could come this weekend. However, I keep reminding myself that God's timing is best!


Erin said...

Maybe she's waiting for MaMa's birthday?

Emily said...

The 10th wouldn't be so bad! No later though I hope :)