Friday, May 08, 2009

False labor? Hopefully.

After running errands this morning, I noticed the Braxton Hicks were more than just noticeable, they were making me stop and sit down. I drank lots of water, lay down and called Jeff. Benjamin and I hung out outside while he played with bugs and his dirt pot and I sat on the lawn chair. Now they've subsided in intensity but are still there.
I think it's false labor but I'm definitely going to pack my bags just in case. I might pull a Kimberly and miss my shower tomorrow! I hope not.


rcsnickers said...

That would figuture... Benjamin being 3 wks late and the girls comes 3 wks early!! :) hoping it is true labor and easy!!!! Praying!

rcsnickers said...

sorry for alllll tyhose typos... Johanna was moving all over the keboard.