Saturday, January 27, 2007

Day at Tribble Mill Park

When Jeff found the house we're now buying, he liked the neighborhood but didn't know there was an 800-acre park just down the road. It's clean, well-kept and has foot, bike, and equestrian trails. We've been exploring the area around Ozora Lake--about 6 miles of paved trail. The entire park is family and kid-friendly, even has a large, nice area with swings, slides and monkey bars, so our little Gray Monkey can grow up breathing some fresh air!
We went there today and took a few pictures. It was soooo nice to get outside and into nature--can't even explain it. It was a gorgeous, breezy, slightly overcast day, and it helped both of us unwind and get rid of some stress! I'm going to enjoy living within a quarter mile of this wonderful park! (Oh and if you have husbands interested in fishing, the lakes are stocked, so come see us!)

One of the two lakes

On the trail

Resting spot along the trail

Jeff loves climbing trees!

I pretend to...fake smile :)

Beavers at work!

There were several beautiful horses there while we were there...wish I could have gotten a better picture.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Dreams, Dreams, Dreams

Since I'm sharing all the strange and different things that are happening to me during my Prego journey, I thought I'd share this: never have I had so many weird dreams. They started before I even knew I was expecting, so I don't think they're due to conscious worry.
I gave birth to a Cat. He was furry like Frodo. Everyone was congratulating me and saying, "Aw, he looks just like Jeff." (The beard, maybe?) I didn't want to hurt my spawn's feelings, so didn't say anything at first, but finally burst out, "Does anyone see a problem with this situation? I was expecting a HUMAN." "Oh, you're right, but that's okay, better luck next time, these things happen" (This dream I have an explanation for. One of the cats enjoys giving midnight concerts. She's an alto. Her meows are deep, long, and drawn out. She keeps this up for an hour sometimes. These are the times Frodo does not get punished for attacking another cat.)
One constantly occurring dream is the Old Ancestral Home of Yore dream. Every time it's a different house, but usually it comes without modern bathrooms. We have to live there. They have unpainted boards, leaky roofs, dirty corners, rat poop and not nearly enough space. where should we put the nursery? In one of them we had to live in the pump house behind our old house in Sumter, with a whole 5 square feet of space (there may be an easy explanation for that one too, hee hee).

Friday, January 19, 2007

Food Adventures with Raspberry Baby

I am experiencing the weirdest thing. Jeff says he understands me much better the way I am now. I am incredibly, viscerally, enthusiastically, whole-hoggedly enjoying FOOD. I have to have it NOW, and I have to have what I WANT. It's a contradiction that I can feel like throwing up one minute and like eating three or four hamburgers the next, but it's true!
This morning I had the worst nausea yet, and did throw up. I then had breakfast with Jeff like I always do at 5 a.m. and then tried to go back to sleep. Maybe it was the fact that I had three days' worth of grease in my hair, but I just couldn't get comfortable. Decided to take a shower to feel better, and sure enough did, for a few minutes, then back to nausea. I finally got back to sleep, and when I woke up, realized I HAD to have peanut butter crackers. I got dressed and left early for my guitar lesson so I could stop at the convenience store. I scarfed all six crackers within a matter of minutes, and they were incredibly, wonderfully, divinely good!!
After the lesson, I passed a Subway, (remember this is Cheapster talking, who is expert at talking Jeff out of his cravings) and didn't even think twice. I was getting a turkey sub with lots of pickles and tons of banana peppers, and that was the end of it. Can we say "bliss?" Unutterable bliss. I never in my life have enjoyed food quite so much. Finished off my kettle chips and felt incredibly satisfied.
Then...tonight went out to Ihop with Jeff (we're big couponers...just go wherever we have a coupon). I felt this primeval urge to sink my canines into a big hunk of beef and tear it apart, swallowing chunks whole. (This is not me, this is someone else in my body!) I ordered a thick hamburger, finished it off without any conversation (and usually I'm trying to draw Jeffrey out so we can talk; the meal is about the conversation, right? WRONG), and really wanted another one. I had to be content with eating all of my fries and Jeff's hash browns!
Jeff just kept staring at me with this dazed smile on his face. I felt like hugging the waitress and telling her this hamburger was a culinary triumph, that it was the most amazingly perfectly grilled hamburger with the most exquisite choice of condiments. Nobody told me it would be like this. I used to doubt the truth of pregnancy cravings, but they are feral, come from the gut, and will not be ignored!

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Thanks for following our progress through the Food, at 7 wks, Lentil is Raspberry Baby.

I thought this was neat...from an e-newsletter I subscribe to:

"Now almost half an inch long — roughly the size of a raspberry — your baby has elbow joints and distinct, slightly webbed fingers and toes. In his oversized head, both hemispheres of his brain are developing. His teeth and the inside of his mouth are forming, and his ears continue to develop. Eyelid folds partially cover his tiny peepers and the tip of that nose you'll be tweaking someday is emerging. His skin is paper-thin, and his veins are clearly visible. Your little one also has an appendix and a pancreas, which will eventually produce the hormone insulin to aid in digestion. His liver is busy producing red blood cells, and a loop of your baby's growing intestines is bulging into his umbilical cord, which now has distinct blood vessels to carry oxygen and nutrients to and from his tiny body. Your baby still appears to have a small tail (actually, it's an extension of his tailbone), but it will disappear in the next few weeks.
You can't feel his gyrations yet, but your little jumping bean is moving in fits and starts around his watery home."

Still feeling pretty good up until today. Woke up feeling blah and it hasn't left all day. Maybe it's that I have had next to nothing to do today (besides straightening up, cooking, doing laundry) so I'm noticing how I feel more. I do feel pretty cooped up. Dreary outside, tiptoeing around b/c poor Tim stayed up all night, and watching the cats sleep. I'm going out tonight with Jeff to (whoopee) pick up some prenatal vitamins. :)

I think I'll feel better when I actually have a bump to show for all this icky feeling and can get one of these t-shirts.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Big House for a Rice Baby

Actually now I think he is a lentil baby. :)
We went by the Carrington model again and took a few more pictures...and window measurements so I can start working on curtains (nothing like privacy when you move in!) I especially like the coat room, which will become the cat room! And I have a PANTRY...ah.
Here are the pictures:

Music room--small but cozy. It's the first room on the left as you enter, so it would be perfect for teaching at home if I ever decide to do that.

Dining room. We're going to paint the two walls red. The entire house is very white as you can see...the only paint choices we get with the house are shades of white, so we're going to add a little color ourselves here and there.

Pantry and coat closet.

Living room, complete with "altars." Note the side altars for small statues of Buddha and the large square altar for a TV. :D I don't know why, but every single house we looked at had these. We'll use them for books or maybe a vase of flowers....or art...

Kitchen, though ours is lighter in color: light countertops, lighter cabinets, but darker floor (chocolate brown)

Guest room downstairs. Y'all come see us!! We intend to use our guest room as much as we can.

Guest bathroom. Sorry, no tub! I thought this was a drawback, but then my sis-in-law Kimberly told me she would never take a bath in someone else's tub. So, I guess it's staying as is.

Master bedroom. I love the sitting nook! I had the idea of sectioning it off with sheer curtains, so it's like a private reading nook. We'll need some chairs or a bench there. Maybe I'll follow Elizabeth's lead and do some consignment shopping.

Master bath (unfinished here) The tub is a pretty good size, but alas Jeffrey still does not fit. It's his dream to have a nice big tub where his legs aren't cramped! (Hmm...maybe we can get a baptismal for cheap somewhere)

So that's the tour. It looks like they've started building. We went by the other day and they had leveled out the mountain on the lot and marked where drains and buried cable would go. They told us they could easily make the April 30th deadline. We're excited and feel so blessed to have found a nice community with some trees (if you've been in the Atlanta area, you realize how rare this is!) and very close to a state park. We feel so blessed that God led us to this community and can't wait to move in!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A Scare

This pregnancy thing is stressful!! Today I had an awful scare I hope I never have again. I was having sharp pain on my left side, so I went in today to have it checked out. My doctor said it could possibly be an ectopic pregnancy (basically the only option is to abort...the baby is growing in the wrong place). She wanted to rule that out as soon as possible, so she told me I need to go in for an ultrasound. They started to schedule me for that same afternoon. Still not that alarmed by the situation, I told them that wouldn't work because that I would miss teaching my afternoon lessons. They said it didn't matter, that I needed to get it done RIGHT AWAY, and went ahead and called it in for 2:30 at Emory Medical. That "right away" really scared me. The next three hours of waiting to go to my appointment were some of the worst of my life. I kept trying to think about what was true; that God was still in control and that there was no use worrying when I didn't know all the facts.

To my great relief, the technician said that everything was normal, that a ruptured cyst was the cause of the pain, that it was even somewhat normal (normal?? since when is a cyst normal) and would not affect anything. She was even--to her surprise--able to get a ultrasound picture of our Rice Baby. He's just the size of a cooked grain of rice, and she said he was exactly on the average for size at 6 weeks. So instead of coming home with awful news, I came home with a picture of our developing baby! I can't even describe the feeling of looking at that ultrasound as she showed me our "blip" on the screen. It suddenly seemed very real that I will have the privilege of bringing a little person into the world and being the single most important person in his little life.

Rice can see the arrow (though it's pretty faint). He's shaped like a bean. Amazing that this tiny little person already has a beating heart and vocal chords! Wonder if he's singing in there....

Baby Development Ticker

This is cool but I'm not sure how to get it in the margin of my blog...I'll work on it.

pregnancy calendar

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Now for something...totally different

Jeff says I can't keep a secret. If you're having a surprise party for your friends, don't tell me about it. I'll give it away somehow without even meaning to.

So I am under no delusion about my ability to keep this one. Maybe you can guess. Maybe you already realize it's something that will make my mother-in-law very happy. Maybe you realize that this is something that will get us a welfare check from my dad. That I am, at heart, just a groupie and had to join in with my two sis-in-laws.'s true...the little stripe test doesn't lie...we're going to be parents!!! The last name will be Gray, the first either Smokey or Dull. (ha) The due date is Sept. 6. My third trimester will be spent in my own home, and I don't have to help move!

God has already protected our unborn little one....I was taking antibiotics the week we conceived, but the type I was taking is fine for an unborn baby. We would appreciate your prayers for a safe and healthy pregnancy. For my part, this is totally unexpected and un-looked for, though Jeff tells me he has been thinking about kids a lot the past few months. I feel completely unready but I'm praying for grace! And, yes, I'm very excited and a little giddy!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Decorating n' stuff

I've been thinking alot about how to decorate our new house, and since I have nothing else to do this teaching...I noodled around the internet. Here are the best sites I found for home ideas. Of course, all the friends reading this blog have impeccable homes and a great sense of style, but a few more ideas don't hurt--right?

Great videos; also check the other tabs for decorating on a budget

Great ideas and articles.

Good ol' Martha Stewart. Amazingly, she's still 30 years old--ha! And full of great cleaning ideas to make you feel guilty. :)

Many pictures of beautiful sample rooms.

I love this book...bought it recently and found the q's and workbook format very helpful. It helps you figure out your personal tastes and needs. I used it on a friend and it was almost like magic...she suddenly knew beyond a doubt what direction to go with her decorating style!

Change Your Home Change Your Life

And finally...some fun quizzes to find your decorating style! I listed my results below.

Color Quiz
Your color personality is Green

The Decor Doctor
Your Decorating Personality is Eclectic

House Beautiful Quiz
Anything-Goes Eclectic

Lifestyle Quiz
Your lifestyle: Town & Country

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Frodo the Magnificent

This post dedicated to Frodo...our Humane Shelter cat we got two years ago, who is the size of a small dog. We figured out from his appearance and his size (mostly his size) that he is partly Maine Coon. (They keep growing until they're 3 years old! Oh no!) He also has a lot of Maine Coon mannerisms, like standing on his back feet like a bear and picking things up with his paws, and making clicking noises instead of meowing (he only meows when he's really upset; otherwise a quiet kitty). He's a smart kitty but also very stubborn...many times when he was a kitten I seriously thought about opening the door and letting him go!! But he has calmed down in his older age and is now a fun, intelligent playmate. If Jeff and I are ever sick, he makes a fantastic sick-buddy. He wants to be wherever we are.
In the last year he's been through a lot of trauma, i.e. a car trip to Atlanta (cried the whole way, and hid his head under my arm), meeting other cats for the first time (five at once!), and a new home. And yep, he's going to have new surroundings to get used to soon. Presenting Frodolicious....

From tiny, sick kitten with a low bodyweight

To Monster Cat!

Hangin' out (in our old house in Gville)

Flower Kitty

Sleeping--his favorite pasttime

Keeping sickie Jeff company