Actually now I think he is a lentil baby. :)
We went by the Carrington model again and took a few more pictures...and window measurements so I can start working on curtains (nothing like privacy when you move in!) I especially like the coat room, which will become the cat room! And I have a PANTRY...ah.
Here are the pictures:
Music room--small but cozy. It's the first room on the left as you enter, so it would be perfect for teaching at home if I ever decide to do that.

Dining room. We're going to paint the two walls red. The entire house is very white as you can see...the only paint choices we get with the house are shades of white, so we're going to add a little color ourselves here and there.

Pantry and coat closet.

Living room, complete with "altars." Note the side altars for small statues of Buddha and the large square altar for a TV. :D I don't know why, but every single house we looked at had these. We'll use them for books or maybe a vase of flowers....or art...

Kitchen, though ours is lighter in color: light countertops, lighter cabinets, but darker floor (chocolate brown)

Guest room downstairs. Y'all come see us!! We intend to use our guest room as much as we can.

Guest bathroom. Sorry, no tub! I thought this was a drawback, but then my sis-in-law Kimberly told me she would never take a bath in someone else's tub. So, I guess it's staying as is.

Master bedroom. I love the sitting nook! I had the idea of sectioning it off with sheer curtains, so it's like a private reading nook. We'll need some chairs or a bench there. Maybe I'll follow Elizabeth's lead and do some consignment shopping.

Master bath (unfinished here) The tub is a pretty good size, but alas Jeffrey still does not fit. It's his dream to have a nice big tub where his legs aren't cramped! (Hmm...maybe we can get a baptismal for cheap somewhere)

So that's the tour. It looks like they've started building. We went by the other day and they had leveled out the mountain on the lot and marked where drains and buried cable would go. They told us they could easily make the April 30th deadline. We're excited and feel so blessed to have found a nice community with some trees (if you've been in the Atlanta area, you realize how rare this is!) and very close to a state park. We feel so blessed that God led us to this community and can't wait to move in!