Thursday, January 18, 2007


Thanks for following our progress through the Food, at 7 wks, Lentil is Raspberry Baby.

I thought this was neat...from an e-newsletter I subscribe to:

"Now almost half an inch long — roughly the size of a raspberry — your baby has elbow joints and distinct, slightly webbed fingers and toes. In his oversized head, both hemispheres of his brain are developing. His teeth and the inside of his mouth are forming, and his ears continue to develop. Eyelid folds partially cover his tiny peepers and the tip of that nose you'll be tweaking someday is emerging. His skin is paper-thin, and his veins are clearly visible. Your little one also has an appendix and a pancreas, which will eventually produce the hormone insulin to aid in digestion. His liver is busy producing red blood cells, and a loop of your baby's growing intestines is bulging into his umbilical cord, which now has distinct blood vessels to carry oxygen and nutrients to and from his tiny body. Your baby still appears to have a small tail (actually, it's an extension of his tailbone), but it will disappear in the next few weeks.
You can't feel his gyrations yet, but your little jumping bean is moving in fits and starts around his watery home."

Still feeling pretty good up until today. Woke up feeling blah and it hasn't left all day. Maybe it's that I have had next to nothing to do today (besides straightening up, cooking, doing laundry) so I'm noticing how I feel more. I do feel pretty cooped up. Dreary outside, tiptoeing around b/c poor Tim stayed up all night, and watching the cats sleep. I'm going out tonight with Jeff to (whoopee) pick up some prenatal vitamins. :)

I think I'll feel better when I actually have a bump to show for all this icky feeling and can get one of these t-shirts.


Elizabeth said...

Loved your link: I do agree, this is way more entertaining than any TV show! I think the shirt should say, Who’s your mommy and have a big arrow pointing to you hahaha…
So Silver is sounding pretty attractive right now: large head, moon/white tan, little tail: kindof sounds like Bella!! How amazing that he has ears now: now you can sing to him and Jeff can read to him!
I do have one comment though (not only one…) Have you given any consideration to “him” being a girl? I have, and have come up with some names for you: Elizabeth Grace Gray, Earline, Rachel Anne? There are so many great girl names! I hope you consider my all time favorite: Harriet Agnus Grey. What a lovely name!
SO glad you’re not sick, just tired. Ruth vomited for 6 months with Laura, and 3 with Matthew. Abbie was just tired a lot in the first trimester with both! I guess we have to stop naming their offspring: they agreed on a beautiful name: Faith Brooke Strong. It will be a little weird if she turns out to be a he, but the picking will make him stronger, right? Hehehe
Thanks for the post: keep it coming! Fill those hours with your awesome humor! I’ve been cracking up thinking of you watching the cats sleep! Plan a party or sew some curtains: or would that be too noisy?

Nene said...

Love the should post a picture of yourself in it :)

I hope you start feeling better! Hopefully, that yucky feeling won't last much more than the first trimester.

Laura said...

cute T, Emmie! :-)

Re: vitamins, I guess you've already gotten some, but FYI, Shaklee has some great ones. I use their multivitamin Vita-Lea Iron Formula and their B-complex. Also, Country Life's Calcium-Magnesium Caps are great for helping you sleep and for leg cramps, especially later on in the pregnancy. I used Flinstone's before I knew any better in the first trimester w/Ella-but I guess it didn't harm her too much. :-)

Liz has some cute names for you, huh? :-) I vote for Harriet.

By the way, Liz, if you read this, love Abbie's name for hers. I've always thought Faith was a beautiful name. I'm curious-is Brooke a family name or just something they liked?

Elizabeth said...

Abbie is here! She loves your website, and has a few name suggestions as well: Patricia Unis is Abbie's vote for a girl. Now as for boy names, Brady Umberto (for a little latin flava)
Kris suggests Shaheed (for a little Jewish flava) and Jim suggests Shamazuli (cluck cluck) (swaheelie for animal that breaks wind)
Brooke was chosen by Jim for the outdoors connotations

Emily said...

Elizabeth, you're right, I shouldn't be so dogmatic about "it" being a boy! In fact tonight at Walmart I just "happened" to wander over to the infant section and immediately began picking out possible clothes for "her." Who least we have a 50/50 guess one way or the other :)
Karanena, I am hoping the second trimester goes better. Today was awful, actually threw up, so I guess I'm not exempt, alas :(
Laura, thanks for the vitamin advice. My family doctor gave me a prescrip for prenatal vitamins. I'm not sure what's in them, but they were expensive, so I may go for Shaklee when I run out. So Flintstones aren't that great, huh? I actually grabbed some, remembering you had used them (I guess that was at first).
As for name recommendations, oh my word, I'll have to savor and digest and think about each of those "gems..." everyone is so helpful!! Abbie, hi, out there in internet land!! Miss you friend!

Emily said...

Hilarious!! I'm crying. Just got the "initials" ones. Was "Brooke" really Jim's choice? Surprised he picked such a pretty one, I would expect something like"Fielden Stream--" kidding Jim, and I love the Swahili name! Kris, you are coming to the Bar Mitzva, right? :D

Elizabeth said...

Abbie says that with Sam she took the expensive kind, but now they make over the counter kind and the doctor said all it has to say is Prenatal! So Faith gets generic...hahaha. So sorry you were sick, but Jim says that means its a girl...

Nene said...

I'm so sorry you're sick! I hate throwing up (I have also heard that this means you're having a girl-guess we'll just have to wait and see:))

I took a prescription prenatal vitamin during my first trimester because it was supposed to help with my nausea (didn't really help, though). The rest of the time I took a generic prenatal vitamin that I picked up at Walmart (pretty inexpensive).

As for the name game: I vote for Shamazuli (cluck cluck). You can't get more original than that!!

rcsnickers said...

Sorry to say, I threw up with all four of my pregnancies and I only have 1 girl! The only pregnancy I did not was the one I miscarried.

Sorry the nausea and throwing up has come upon you, it won't last forever.

You will figure what brings it on worse and stick away from those foods.

Hey, wait until 3rd trimester when heartburn kicks in... gotta love that!


Avorie said...

How exciting about little rasberry!

I found your blog from the comment you left at mine. The picture posted isn't me. I guess I need to revise that post and note that it was in inspirational picture rather than a progress picture!

Oh, and Zofran is the best medicine for morning sickness. I was so ill and kept loosing weight, so my doctor put me on zofran. It's awesome.