Friday, September 21, 2007

Early Labor

It's started...the pains aren't bad yet but uncomfortable enough that I can't sleep. It figures that they started close to midnight. I guess my doctor and midwife are not going to get a lot of rest! It feels a lot better if I sit up or walk around...lying down makes it worse.

It's weird to me that the contractions are still 4-5 minutes apart. The only difference is that they hurt now. I had been having painless contractions every 5 minutes while walking around the neighborhood. We came in, had dinner and watched a funny movie, then slowly headed to bed. I tried to read awhile, but couldn't focus and was feeling talkative. I got up to get some water and realized the contractions were starting to hurt. I am so glad l we don't have a 2 hour drive ahead of us!

It is nice that nature gives you a break in between contractions. In between, there is really no pain and I feel fine.

It may be a while so Jeff is trying to sleep. I'm hoping he can get some rest in the next hour or two.


Erin said...

Praise the Lord!!! May He give you peace, comfort, calm, and more. Sending you prayers for effective contractions, your ability to handle them, Jeffs support, and your midwife's wisdom. We are so excited for you and looking forward to your exciting announcement!

Love, Erin and Dayton

Emily said...

Thanks Erin...we do appreciate your prayers so much. It looks like I'm going to have a textbook long first labor. Ever since 11:30 I've had regular contractions, 4 -5 minutes apart, 30 seconds, but no change really. So, first 7.5 hours down, several more to go. It's not bad, though. (which you can probably guess since I'm even writing this!) Thanks again for yours and Dayton's prayers.

rcsnickers said...

okay, it is morning now. I wonder what has happened by now. Lord willing you are holding your precious Benjamin in your hands. May your labor be joyful and able to handle it!

Praying for ya,

Laura said...

My story was exactly the same except my contractions started during the movie and I didn't sleep at all (neither did Will) that night. I too had to continuously walk around-lying down made it worse.
Praying for you sweet pea-just a little while longer!

rcsnickers said...

Congratulations!!! Laurance emailed us this morning and told us the wonderful news! I am sorry your labor was long and thankful you had a good birth and healthy son! Give him a big kiss for us! Rest and cuddle with the two men in your life! :)
