Wednesday, September 19, 2007


13 days late and still no baby, but had an appointment this morning & found out I am a fingertip dilated, the head is lower, and the cervix is much thinner.
We've tried just about all the "natural" labor stimulants, (including eating a whole pineapple!) We've tried the evening primrose oil for 6 days in a row now. Today my midwife told me to take a mixture of black & blue cohosh every 20 minutes, pump, and go for a walk. I'm supposed to call back in 3 hours to report any changes. If this doesn't work, we'll try the castor oil, and if that fails, a ripening agent.
I hope this works!


rcsnickers said...

okay, I have never heard of eating a whole pineapple! Explain that to me when you get a chance. Hope the blue/black cohosh works because the castor oil is nasty tasting stuff. Never tried but have heard enough stories. Praying even more for ya, thanks for the update.

Patience truly is a virtue huh?


Emily said...

The pineapple is probably bogus, just something I read on a forum, but I figured it wouldn't hurt! It tasted a lot better than the cohosh! I'm hoping too that I don't have to go the castor oil route.
Thanks for your prayers. I keep wondering, did I pray for patience sometime recently? :)

Erin said...

Pineapple use is common in Asia... ripens the cervix. Hope the cohoshes work for you. Really though, none of this will work if your body isn't ready. Have you done any massage or acupressure on the labor points?


Emily said...

I tried the thumb and ankle pressure points.
I'm not sure I should try the castor oil. The cohosh didn't work. What do you think?

Laura said...

Sorry the yucky stuff didn't work. I told your mom the update tonight and she said, "Don't tell Dad about the castor oil-he thinks that stuff is poison!" I guess he had to take it many times at the orphanage and thus really can't stand the thought of it anymore-he thinks for labor it's just an old wives' tale. Who knows....

But I agree w/Erin-baby will come when he's ready and for some reason, he needed a little extra time. In a few days, this will surely all be over with....praying for you!

Erin said...

In my opinion, the women who go into labor after using castor oil were just already ready to go into labor and it was coincidence. You put yourself at risk of diarreah and dehydration right before birth... not a good thing! You and your baby are healthy and strong. The timing will be perfect.


Emily said...

I don't think I'm going to try the castor oil. The cohosh didn't do a thing, and I doubt the castor oil will beyond making me miserable (or if it does work, making me go into labor dehydrated and sick). 3-4 movements a day are considered normal for the last few weeks, and Benjamin moves a lot more than that. All medical indications so far are that he's healthy, so I'm just going to wait it out.

No cytotec induction, either. If I'm going to be induced, it will be after another week of waiting, or because there are indications the baby is not doing well. (Reading up on cytotec I'm realizing it's a dangerous drug...if I'm induced it will be with pitocin. Pitocin can be turned off and out of the system quickly if there is a bad reaction. There is no reversal for cytotec, and it is not even approved by the FDA for labor induction. It has been known to cause uterine rupture and maternal or infant death in some cases.)

I never thought I'd have to even consider induction, but I'm going to be fully informed if it comes to it.

Emily said...

Erin, I wrote my comment before I read yours...I guess we're in agreement :)

rcsnickers said...

cytotec is actually for ulcers. I just read recently that Terbutline which is used to stop preterm labor is actually for asthma not uterus muscle relaxer. Bugs me how the OB medical field will use something not even meant for it. It only causes problems.

You know, I was only joking when I mentioned waiting until Kimberly's birthday. I am very proud and admire you for being so patient and waiting this long. You have passed my waiting dates.

I found this link yesterday and thought it very interesting.

Praying for ya,

rcsnickers said...

In case the previous link did not work, I did not see the full address.


Emily said...

Thanks Letisha. We're supposed to talk with the midwife and doctor tomorrow at 11:30 to discuss what to do. Right now my stance is still "if there is no medical indication, we'll wait."
This is all starting to seem a little surreal! Am I really pregnant?